Other sites of interest to outdoor photographers ...
www.photographamerica.com Robert Hitchman’s excellent collection of newsletters describing specific photographic destinations. They tell you where, when and how to get the best shots. Lodging, restaurants, road conditions, everything you need to know is covered. Newsletters are available individually, in regional collections, as a complete collection, and by subscription as printed newsletters and/or PDF files via email download links. Robert has been offering this service since 1989.
www.martres.com Laurent Martres is a well-known photographer and author/publisher of a series of photography guide books covering Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and Northern California. Please enjoy his beautiful work from around the world!
www.Luminous-Landscape.com Luminous Landscape is a comprehensive site devoted to the art of landscape, nature and documentary photography using digital as well as traditional image processing techniques. Pages include instructive articles, product reviews, travel and technical discussions, inspiring portfolios, and a discussion forum. The site currently has more than 3,500 pages containing articles, tutorials, product reviews and photographs.
www.nps.gov The official site of the National Park Service.